Lance and the Altean Sword!!

change is bad (and scary) by jilliancares, Rating: G, Word Count: 7,280 – Lance has been avoiding Keith ever since he returned from the space whale, older and different and taller and different. Except they’re paired for a mission together and Lance realizes that maybe not everything has changed.

only future that i need by thespacenico, Rating: G, Word Count: 11,505 – the team finally heads back from their month-long christmas get-together. keith asks lance to travel to the altean colony with him, just so they can be together for a little bit longer. flirting, interrupted almost-kisses, sparring, and slow dancing ensue.

moderation by Katranga, Rating: T, Word Count: 21,613 – Keith gets bits by a love bug and falls for Lance. Allura gets bit and falls for Hunk. The only problem is that Keith already has a real, overwhelming crush on Lance, so he decides to only do what Allura does so he doesn’t give himself away. A plan that rapidly falls apart. //Lance pulled out his bayard. “Lemme try something.”

A long blade flashed to life in his hands.

Keith pursed his lips. Right, Lance used a sword now. That didn’t affect Keith, not in the slightest… He didn’t watch with rapt attention as Lance swung his blade through vines and branches too thick to see through like they were nothing. His face didn’t heat thinking back to the last time they’d trained together, when Lance had stripped down to a tank top and shorts, and he’d won the fight because Keith had gotten too distracted by his much-developed arm muscles to defend himself. ⭐️

Under My Skin by KarsKars, Rating: T, Word Count: 8,044 – After an injury, Lance and Keith switch roles on the team for a movement, leaving both Paladins to learn to grow and mutually respect each other’s skills.

Who Won? by sleapea, Rating: G, Word Count: 1,996 – Lance grips his bayard, and it transforms into a long, Altean broadsword. A sword. Keith gapes, and Lance smirks, advancing on him with a low laugh and a swing of his bayard. The swing is steady and practiced, and Keith thanks the stars for muscle memory as he manages to block in time. He falters slightly, still stunned, and Lance hums. “Surprised?” Lance grins at him, and a violent blush spreads up Keith’s neck.