Pure Fluff (the feel-good stuff)

See also…


baby sweetheart darling love by hiuythn, Rating: T, Word Count: 1,970 – Keith gives Lance a nickname. Lance wrongly assumes that it’s an insult.

you’re a dream to me by: icedpink, Word Count: 6,107, Rating: T+ Summary: “Did you know you snore?” Keith asks, still laughing.

The team finds out about Keith and Lance’s relationship due to snoring, of all things.

Solar Flare by heavenlyfires– After almost two years of unbearable distance, Keith and Lance find themselves at a ball, together. // ⭐️

The Breaths Between Yearning by: Mytay – Word Count: 1,385 – Rating: T+ – Summary: Lance has been on a solo mission for weeks. Keith misses him. Maybe. Just a little.


Airdrop Me by Devoosha, Rating: T, Word Count: 2,694, Summary: Keith is having a bad day. Like it sucks. Stuck in traffic is the cherry on the sundae and all he wants to do is get home. Maybe pass time watching the cute boy in the car behind him. Until his AirDrop goes off.

Apple Cider Dreams by devoosha, word count: 4,213, Rating: T, Summary: Keith happily works on his family’s apple farm – behind the scenes. When his cousin isn’t able to lead the latest school tour, Keith is recruited…and of course becomes entranced with Mr. Lance, the teacher.

Banana Chip Pancakes by allyflavored , Word Count: 3,466, Summary: “So… Keith,” Lance looks back up after reading the name tag again to make sure he got it right & then flashes a smirk at the waiter’s face that seemed to be carved out by angels which he thought was ridiculously unfair, god really did play favorites, Hunk owed him $20. “Come here often?”

“This…” The raven haired waiter blinked & slowly furrowed his eyebrows. “Is where I work?” A genuinely confused expression plastered across his face.

Lance couldn’t hold in his laugh at the boy’s reaction & snorted.

Billy Ray is my boyfriend by VertigoReader101, Rating: G, Word Count: 6,274 – It was moments like these that made Lance forget about his fears of telling everyone about his boyfriend. It was moments like these that he wanted to whip out his camera and share the love of his life with the world.
(Five times Keith accidentally shows up in the background of YouTube videos and the one time is face is revealed.)

Bus Buddies by: WhatTheBodyGraspsNot, Word Count: 8,033, Rating: T+, Summary: Lance, Hunk, and Pidge are about to set off on their cross-country trip to the Save The Bees march in California, but before the coach bus can even pull out of the lot, Lance has his eye caught by the cute boy in the back. Turns out, this cutie doesn’t have a bus buddy. But guess what? Lance could be the perfect bus buddy ever if he just gives him a chance.

Carpool by Far_Beyond_The_Universe, rating T, word count 5,757 – Keith has just begun working at Voltron INC when he’s offered a spot in his coworkers Carpool. It doesn’t take him long to realize he’s head over heels for the driver. (Office AU/Meet-Cute)

Elevator Confessions by devoosha, Word Count: 1,385, Rating: T, Summary: Keith has been eyeing a guy who works in his building that he occasionally sees on the elevator rides in the morning and evening, but can’t work up the courage to break the ice. He might have figured out a way.

Gate 22 by taylortot– After a weekend spent celebrating Shiro’s wedding, Keith becomes immediately smitten with a cute boy he meets in the airport terminal during a five hour delay. The only problem is: they’re not taking the same flight home. (Meet-Cute)

Getting the Corn Maze Creeps by KatelFireDemon – The team goes to a haunted corn maze! What happens when they get separated?

Howl You Doin? by: KarsKars, Word Count: 3,268, Rating: T+, Summary: Lance is a veterinarian with a crush on the firefighter who keeps rescuing all manner of animals. One day, he’s surprised to find a wolf in his clinic.

Keith and the case of the mysterious boyfriend by cyrstalklances – “He said thank you, but he couldn’t accept my feelings because he’s got a boyfriend.”

Keith’s eyes widened in shock. He almost dropped his pen, which would’ve caused a big blue streak all over his notes.

Lance had a what?!
(Or: 5 times Keith doesn’t know he is Lance’s boyfriend, and the 1 time he finally does.)

Kosmo the Match Maker by Sampai66 -Meet cute because Kosmo is a nosey doggo. (Meet-Cute)

october fizz by: pinkseltz, Word Count: 8,887, Rating: G – Summary: “So where are we going?” Keith asks.

“It’s a surprise, Red. A day of autumn fun, led by yours truly.” Lance replies, light and easy.

Keith sighs in response, shoving his freezing nose further into the collar of his jacket. He knew he should’ve brought a scarf.

Keith’s never had apple cider. And Lance, taking it as a personal offense, decides to change that.

Valentines day! by renyoi – Keith gets sexiled by his roommate on Valentine’s Day while baking a whole batch of cupcakes for the two of them to share. Whatever is he to do with twelve delicious cupcakes and no room to return to? A stranger soon pops up to fix Keith’s predicament. (Meet-Cute)

Waffle House by daymaedoo – Keith was officially swooning when the boy opened his eyes. His beautiful, ocean blue, crystal clear eyes contrasted so perfectly with his skin. He felt his mouth fall open slightly but couldn’t quite find it in him to close it.

“Oh, hey buddy. Sorry, were you waiting to buy something?” Those blue eyes were now trained on his own and Keith suddenly had to relearn the English language again.

Your Love Keeps Me Warm by: orphan_account, Word Count: 4,078 – Rating: G, Summary: Keith is giving him a look, contemplating, eyebrows drawn together. Noticing his gaze, Lance looks up, raising an eyebrow.

“Are you cold?” Keith asks after a moment of a silent staring contest.

“No,” Lance replies.

“You should’ve said something.”

“I just said I’m not—”

But Keith doesn’t listen. Already, he’s shrugging out of his red varsity jacket, and he leans over to drape it around Lance’s shoulders.

Or, 4 times Keith is determined to prevent Lance from getting sick, and the time Lance catches a cold after all.