Keith doesn’t know that ‘Taylor’ and Lance are the same person…

A Boy by Any Other Name Would be Just as Cute by LanceKitkat, rating: no rating, word count: 1,211 – A rose by any other name would smell just as sweet. Or boy. Or—whatever his name is! Keith is just confused at this point. There is one thing he knows for certain though, and that is that he cannot get the boy with tan skin and ocean eyes out of his mind.

A story in which Keith falls for Taylor, but grows to love Lance.

Another chance to get it write by vrepitsals, rating: T+, word count: 13,072 – Keith sends love letters to a boy named Taylor. He doesn’t understand why they keep getting rejected. Until he realizes that the boy’s name is Lance. (Companion fic to Don’t read this the wrong way / LANCE POV)

Don’t read this the wrong way by vrepitsals, rating: T, word count: 20,283 – There’s a love note in Lance’s locker. Lance looks down at the crisp folds of its envelope and sees the kind of love he already holds in his hands from his family. The kind of love he one day hopes to share with someone special. However, it’s fairly clear that this particular love isn’t meant for him, because the note is addressed to a kid named Taylor. (Companion fic to Another chance to get it write / KEITH POV)

Carpool by Far_Beyond_The_Universe, rating T, word count 5,757 – Keith has just begun working at Voltron INC when he’s offered a spot in his coworkers Carpool. It doesn’t take him long to realize he’s head over heels for the driver. (Office AU)

Horoscopes and Coffees by vrepit_nah, rating t, word count: 4,612 – Keith meets him at the coffee shop for the first time and ends up taking a special spot in Keith’s heart. But something else is going on that confuses Keith. Maybe it’s witchcraft or magic, because it both terrifies and comforts him that his horoscope relates to him on a personal level. Every single day. Too personal. (Coffee Shop AU)

In Your Eyes, I Found Home by Pinche_Vida, rating: G, word count: 1,508 – Keith and Lance decide to share the story of how they came out to their family (in Keith’s case, Shiro). Both of their stories revolve around their first crush. Lance sees the similarities a lot faster than Keith, bless his soul.

it’s okay if you can’t find the words (let me take your coat and this weight off of your shoulders) by Skylily, rating: not rated, word count: 5,668 – Lance doesn’t care anymore, and the fact hurts Keith more than he’s expecting it to. It hurts him even more, knowing Keith has pushed him past some sort of breaking point. Keith caused this silent treatment. He’d fix it. And as though the Universe has heard him and commands it be done, Keith realizes he is no longer alone on the cliff’s edge. Lance has been ignoring Keith since his return and Keith blames only himself. They talk about it and confessions are made.

It’s Taylor with an I not a Y by Chubby_Otaku, rating ?, word count: 341 – Keith had a crush on Lance back at the Garrison too bad he thought his name was Taylor. This is all revealed during a single Never Have I Ever game. In laments terms Lance is oblivious, Pidge is a little shit, Shiro is not a responsible Dad, Hunk is an angle, and Poor Keith is so so very Gay.

*Life’s Too Short by run_your_clever_boy_and_remember_me, rating: T+, Word Count: 4,765 – Lance is on his knees, holding the person he’s just coming to accept that he’s probably in love with in his arms while he bleeds out.
“Keith! No, no… Stay with me, stay with me!”
Keith has the nerve to laugh. “Looks like the roles are reversed. You’re cradling me in your arms… Shame you don’t remember me cradling you.” (or: Retrieval mission goes wrong, Keith gets shot and ends up bleeding out on Lance’s arms. With no filters, he pratically confesses.) (*NOTE: NOT a death-fic! This has a happy ending!)

Magnetic In Our Purple Season Eight by AsagaoSylph, rating: not rated, word count: 133,081 – Voltron has finally made it back to Earth, but the final threat looms heavily over them. As personal issues come forth across the team, Keith and Lance have to step fully into what it means to be leaders for their team as they prepare to lead their family towards victory and, more importantly, joy, no matter how fast the clock ticks towards destruction. (NOTE: This is a sequel)

Mr. Independent by youthoughtyouknew, Rating: G, Word Count: 39,463 – Keith doesn’t like Lance. Not really, anyway. He’s loud, obnoxious, and exactly the kind of person Keith isn’t interested in.
Until Keith starts catching Lance with his guard down, and realises just how much he doesn’t know about his teammate.
Or, Lance is cute, Keith has many soft spots, and they’re both annoyed for the wrong reason.

needle: threaded. i am forcibly removed from the galaxy garrison by ayushi_writes, rating: G, word count: 2,278 – He finally straightens up, taking in little gasps of air. “Sorry, I just… dude. I don’t know how you missed this in the last, I don’t know, couple of years, but my name’s not Taylor. It’s Lance.”

Keith.exe has stopped working.

(alternate title: keith tries to do something nice what could go wrong)

Somebody that I Used to Know by loathetolove, rating: G, word count: 378 – In which Keith thinks Lance’s name is Taylor. It’s not.

Taylor by RhinosaurusRex, rating: G, word count 1,529‘They called me the Tailor because of how I thread the needle.’ And like that, a misconception was born. One that, if avoided, could have drastically changed the course of their universal mission, and the relationship between a certain two paladins. And, as usual, Pidge knows all.

Taylor-made by vrepitsals, rating T, word count 2,962 – “What was that?” Comes Keith’s voice through the coms.

“It’s a nickname Lance got his first year of flight school.”

“Yeah, because of how I thread the needle” Lance adds, wiggling his eyebrows to an audience of no one. He feels like it adds something to his inflection nonetheless.

(The rest of team Voltron find out about Lance’s old nickname. Keith goes through a crisis, Shiro can’t stop laughing.)

Tell me about it by vrepitsals, rating T, word count 3,366 – “If you could change one thing about the Garrison what would-“

“Name tags,” Keith all but shouts, before Pidge even has the chance to finish the question.

Keith and Lance share stories about the crushes they had on each other at the Garrison.

Unfortunately, Keith thinks his crush’s name was Taylor, and Lance’s was James.

Travel like Gypsies in the Night by plvtoe, rating T, word count: 15,238 – “Okay, so you didn’t recognize me at first because I grew over half a foot in a year and became outrageously gorgeous. Check. What was the second reason?”

Keith scoffs with a light smile at the statement, but Lance notes with heated cheeks that he doesn’t correct him. “You’re not allowed to laugh at me for the next one,” he demands. Lance rolls his eyes playfully, and Keith continues. “No. I’m serious. I’ll pilot Red straight into an asteroid belt.”

Their lion gives an unamused grumble at the idea.

“Fine, I promise,” Lance grins and raises his pinky finger next to Keith’s. The rebel scoffs but locks their digits together.

“I thought your name was Taylor since we were twelve.”

Lance trips over his words, sputtering into a loud laugh. Keith rips his fingers away, annoyed. “You said you wouldn’t laugh!” he protests as his co-pilot leans over the chair in giggles.

(Or where Keith and Lance are assigned to go fetch Matt Holt from a planet six light years away before returning to Earth. An intergalactic road trip in the Red Lion ensues.)

Who The Fuck Is Lance McClain?! by allyflavored, rating: Explicit, Word Count: 13,061 – He almost lost it when he saw Keith scribble a heart in the corner of his notebook during History class with the same stupid name beside his own: Taylor.

Lance turned to glare at someone who sat across the room. He had found out that this guy’s middle name was Taylor.

Lance wondered what the raven-haired boy even saw in him. What does he have that I don’t?! Seething with jealousy, Lance looked down at the stupid little heart in Keith’s notebook once again that didn’t include his name.

Fuck you, Taylor.